Shemnue II appears to work pretty well on our latest 0.1.1 WIP version . Stay tuned for shadps4 release . It will come soon 🙂
Dark Souls Continue…
With some fake imedialog input and some gpu fixes dark souls can now get pass character screen and plays some fmv videos. Still not ingame die to some missing gpu issues but we are getting close 🙂
Dark SouLS Remaster
Today we have Dark souls remaster reaching character selection screen , similar to bloodborne . Stay tuned for more exciting new soon.
Bloodborne colors progress
A new contributor called “Roamic” fixed some issues in bloodborne so it is not red any more. Game still doesn’t progress further but progress is progress 🙂
Today we have a big surprise for y all . Shadps4 is the first ps4 emu that gets to character screen on bloodborne game. Wait.. it is still far from playable but a start has been made 🙂
Bunny must die
An interesting platform game , running as expected in shadps4 . Stay tuned for more updates soon !
Dysmantle started working
A new game (fake 3d) started to work on shadps4 latest revisions. While not fully stable you can check the above video for gameplay
As it appears to be quite a popular game , here is a working ingame video for it