Privacy Policy

As contributors to the Shadps4 Emulator project, we always try our best to keep our users’ best interests in mind. Shadps4and some of its associated services (for example, this website) do sometimes collect information about our users and their activities. This page will attempt to explain in what situations we collect data, how we process it, and how do we keep it secure if needed.

Emulation Software

Shadps4 collect offline some info about system hardware , to be able to determinate possible bugs with specific hardware . All this info is only available in user’s log file, which is not transmitted to us by any automatically way.


We try our best to not collect information that can identify a shadps4 user from their reported files.

Collected Data (offline)

  • shadps4 version
  • Hardware information (CPU and GPU models)
  • Operating System information (type, version)
  • Shadps4 configuration settings
  • Game currently being played

Data Sharing

We Don’t share data since we don’t gather data.

* Websites

Shadps4’s websites feature ads to help us pay our bills (build and testing infrastructure, domain name, hosting, backups, etc.). These ads are not targeted to any single users, and the providers of this advertisement are not collecting any information about your usage patterns on our websites.

We use cookies. Who doesn’t? Specifically, we use them for login sessions as well as language preferences.

We do not store IP addresses or any other identifying information in our logs. We do keep IP addresses for an indefinite amount of time for anti-abuse purpose on our forums and Wiki (spam prevention, ban evasion prevention).